How We Raise Our Bunnies

The Art of Raising Bunnies for Therapy and Companionship

As a breeder, the responsibility of raising bunnies goes far beyond simply ensuring their physical well-being. It involves creating a nurturing environment that fosters their socialization, integrates them into human interactions, and ultimately prepares them for a purposeful life as therapy animals and beloved companions.

One of the fundamental aspects of breeding bunnies for therapy and companionship is the emphasis on socialization. Bunnies are naturally social creatures, and their well-being is greatly influenced by their interactions with humans and other animals. As a breeder, it is crucial to start socializing bunnies from a young age, exposing them to various stimuli and experiences that help shape their behavior and temperament. By providing them with opportunities to interact with different people and environments, we help bunnies develop confidence, trust, and a sense of security, which are essential for their future roles as therapy animals and companions.

Hand-raising bunnies is another key aspect of breeding for therapy and companionship. This practice involves constant human contact and care, creating strong bonds between the bunnies and their caregivers. Hand-raising allows us to closely monitor the bunnies' development, address any health or behavioral issues promptly, and provide individualized attention to each bunny's needs. Through this intensive care and nurturing, bunnies grow up to be affectionate, well-behaved, and well-adjusted animals, making them ideal candidates for therapy work and as pets for loving homes.

“Raising bunnies for therapy and companionship is a labor of love that requires dedication, knowledge, and a deep understanding of the animals' needs and behaviors.”

— Aleksandra Huggins

Bunnies are born deaf, blind and hairless.

Our bunnies are handled from the start, as newborns and are very well socialized.

Moreover, the use of spacious setups is essential in raising bunnies for therapy and companionship. Bunnies require ample space to exercise, explore, and exhibit their natural behaviors. By providing them with roomy enclosures that include hiding spots, toys, and enrichment activities, we can promote physical and mental stimulation, which is crucial for the bunnies' overall well-being. A conducive environment not only ensures the bunnies' health and happiness but also prepares them for the demands of their future roles in therapy settings or as cherished companions in households.

By socializing bunnies, hand-raising them, and providing spacious setups, we lay the groundwork for producing well-rounded, confident, and content bunnies that can bring joy and comfort to those in need of therapy support or seeking furry companionship. hrough their passion and commitment to raising bunnies with care and compassion, breeders play a vital role in enhancing the lives of both the animals they raise and the people they touch.